This stunning idol has been created in devotion to Balaji as well as Padmavati and depicts the idols with an auspicious gold hue that comes courtesy of real 24KT gold foil. The Balaji idol can be seen sporting golden mala's whereas Padmavati can be seen with a traditional flower mala. Both idols have been placed on top of a gold wrapped pedestal. These idols are the perfect way to bring the auspicious energy of Balaji and Padmavati to your pooja space.
Processing Time: 4-6 Working Days
Dimension: 11 cm x 12.5 cm
Material :Gold Foil
SKU: MPB2276
Packed & Manufactured by: Mobikasa Ventures LLP Address: My Pooja Box, Jagat Complex, 100 Feet Road, Ghitorni, New Delhi -110030
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