Our team pays utmost attention to ensure you have no issues with your order or products. All products and orders go through rigorous quality checks before dispatch. However, in case you are unhappy with the product quality and would like to request a refund / exchange, please ensure you contact us within 10 days from the date of delivery for a smooth return/exchange process.
Easy Returns / Exchanges
Contact us within 10 days from the Date of Delivery
We will arrange a reverse pick-up of the products
Once product are received back, we aim to process your refund/ exchange within 2-5 working days
Please Note
- Consumable items such as incense sticks, pooja samagri cannot be returned/exchanged.
- If you wish to request a return despite the product being free of damage or defects, you will be responsible for returning the items to our warehouse. Once products are received back, we aim to process your refund / exchange within 2-5 working days.
- For Cash on Delivery orders, we would request you for your bank details to process your refund.
- Prepaid orders will be refunded to the original payment method used.
For any query, please contact us at orders@mypoojabox.com